Water up to my ankles

It started off like a regular week.

One Monday I was minding my own business, being a human woman who is also a copywriter and also the Chair of her kids' school board.

(TBH I'm not sure how that happened because – as a rule – I'm not a person who gets involved in things). But I digress.

We had a meeting and I had all the papers and a folder to put them in and EVERYTHING.

Before I left, I took les chiens (Remy and Olive) for a walk. Remy is a Labradoodle. First of his name. Chewers of leads. Eschewer of cleanliness. That kinda guy. Having just been groomed, he felt compelled to restore the bacterial homeostasis in his coat by rolling in…something dead.

He always manages to get it all over his harness, so I popped it off and started filling a bucket of soapy water to soak it.

And that's when it happened.

I just … left the house. The water was running full blast, my friends.

Now, if you've had a chance to check out my TEDx talk, you'll have some insight into why this happened. But here's the thing: there was a wet pair of children's pants in the sink. Which clogged it. What I'm trying to say is

I flooded my laundry room.

I'm talking drawers-full-of-water, call-the-insurance-company, replace-the-cabinets fLoOdEd.

🚨 Please take this free thing 🚨

In an effort to reverse the hex that has plagued that week, I'm doing a good deed. And here's the best bit – you can be my guinea pig.

I've written a little e-book and – to foster some goodwill with the universe – I'm sending it to you for zilch. I've had lots of feedback on my recent emails about email marketing so I've popped some information into a wee download.

Grab it here

If your email sequences are already making bank and you don't need this electronic gem, by all means, scroll on. Just do me a favour and send me some good vibes – things like that Martha…she's got the driest laundry room in the west! Wishing, I've heard, can make it so.

If you haven't checked out that TEDx talk, it's about all the ways we're wrong about ADHD, including a ⭐ridiculous⭐ story about the biggest thing I've ever lost.

Watch it here


Martha Barnard-Rae is a Denmark WA-based SEO copywriter. She supports businesses in Denmark, Albany, the Great Southern and beyond with all the wordy things they need to stand out in the best possible way.

Her words live on the websites, blogs, videos, emails, and socials of businesses all over Australia. An accomplished speaker, Martha helps brands, business owners, schools, and Government Departments understand what they need to do to find their voices.

Martha holds an Honours Degree in English and a Master’s Degree in Education — communication truly lights her up. When she’s not crafting delicious words, you’ll find her walking two giant pooches, practicing her ukulele, or wrapped around a cup of tea, planning out her next Instagram reel.

To stay up to date, join the Word Candy crew on Instagram, or connect with Martha on LinkedIn.


My secret shame


The winning-est copywriting formula