My secret shame

File this under: things 30 year old Martha never would have said.

🤮 I'm trying to grow my profile on LinkedIn 🤮

Look, when it comes to social media, I'm a fan.

And I know this much is true: if Instagram didn't exist, neither would Word Candy.

But LinkedIn just feels so…LAME.

The thing I've realised though? LinkedIn is where my ideal clients hang out. And it's slowly becoming less + less lame. For instance, today I saw a post by Kate Merryweather, in which she described how she turns the questions people ask her into content.

And I thought to myself ‘Martha,’ (because I call myself Martha) ‘you got a doozy of a question just this morning!’ And this, my friends, was it:

Martha, what's an SEO?

I loved this question – and not just because of the preposition. I'm always telling my clients to keep it simple when it comes to content. ‘You know so much, [insert name here],’ (because I do not call other people Martha) ‘just share that information with your people!’

As for me, I bang on quite a lot about being an SEO copywriter. But I guess I sometimes forget that the person I'm speaking to might not know what that is.

So (she says, finally getting to the point) if you've been wondering ‘what’s an SEO?' I've pulled together some resources for you.

🚨Free gifts ahead 🚨

✔️ Grab my FREE checklist: Boost your SEO and get found online

🤓 My friend Nat Alleblas (The SEO Sleuth) has written a non-boring blog about SEO and it's totally worth checking out.

🕵️ Nat's definition of SEO is clear and simple: SEO stands for “search engine optimisation” and is basically all the things you do to your website to help it land on page one of Google so your ideal clients can find you.

📣 Here are some tips about how you can use copywriting to improve your SEO ranking

🗨️ And here's how blogging can help you get it done

So what?

I think we've all learned something today.

I learned that when it comes to social media, I'm a senior citizen. But like…a cool one. Like when your Grandma got a computer in the 2000s so she could ‘do email’.

You learned that I do, in fact, talk to myself. Also, you may have learned something you didn't already know about SEO.



Martha Barnard-Rae is a Denmark WA-based SEO copywriter. She supports businesses in Denmark, Albany, the Great Southern and beyond with all the wordy things they need to stand out in the best possible way.

Her words live on the websites, blogs, videos, emails, and socials of businesses all over Australia. An accomplished speaker, Martha helps brands, business owners, schools, and Government Departments understand what they need to do to find their voices.

Martha holds an Honours Degree in English and a Master’s Degree in Education — communication truly lights her up. When she’s not crafting delicious words, you’ll find her walking two giant pooches, practicing her ukulele, or wrapped around a cup of tea, planning out her next Instagram reel.

To stay up to date, join the Word Candy crew on Instagram, or connect with Martha on LinkedIn.


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Water up to my ankles