Drive conversion with these 6 email sequences

If you’re just dipping a toe into the email game, here are some email sequences that’ll help get the party started.


You know you should be cashing in on email marketing. Maybe you already get in touch from time to time, but actually taking it seriously? It can feel overwhelming. Especially if you don't know where to start (or you already have eleventy billion things on your to do list).

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Great news

You don't need a tonne of subscribers to make money with email marketing. What you do need is a plan. Here are six email sequences that'll boost your know-like-trust factor sky-high — and taking growth, conversions, customer engagement, and revenue along for the ride.

The Welcome Sequence

your Goal: a warm hello

Make your new subscribers feel at home by introducing your business and outlining how you can solve their biggest problems. Pop in a value-laden freebie and you’ll be off to the races.

The Promo Sequence

your Goal: sell your thing

Let the people know how they can work with you and exactly how you’ll make their lives easier.

The Product Launch

your Goal: get’em excited

Drive excitement (and traffic) around your latest product or service offering. Your readers will be looking to get value from your emails, so find out what they value and give it to them on the regular.

The Abandoned Cart

your Goal: get that sale

Re-target customers who’ve left something behind in their cart. It’s easy to get distracted mid-purchase, so this sequence should reiterate just how easy it is for them to complete their transaction and seal the deal.

The Reengagement

your Goal: keep’em keen

Send this to people on your list who used to engage with your brand but have dropped off recently. Make it snappy so that the person gets excited to continue their relationship with your brand.

The Post Purchase

This sequence confirms the buyer’s purchase details, of course. But you can also use it to tell your customers more about your brand and products – as well as congratulate them on their excellent decision to buy from you. This communication builds goodwill, increases brand awareness, and builds loyalty.

Start small

Get started by paying attention to the automated emails you get from your favourite brands.

The ones that are the stickiest are the ones that give you regular value. This means: DON’T send marketing emails for the sake of it. Give the people V-A-L-U-E and I guarantee they’ll be with you for the long haul.

Can’t be bothered? I can. (Because I L-O-V-E it!)

Check out how I can help you reach for the *email* stars or if you sort-of-don’t-really-know what you want, but DO know you want that cha-ching — get in touch. Pronto.

(Oh and hey — here’s that link to my email freebie again. You’re welcome.)


Martha Barnard-Rae is a Denmark WA-based SEO copywriter. She supports businesses in Denmark, Albany, the Great Southern and beyond with all the wordy things they need to stand out in the best possible way.

Her words live on the websites, blogs, videos, emails, and socials of businesses all over Australia. An accomplished speaker, Martha helps brands, business owners, schools, and Government Departments understand what they need to do to find their voices.

Martha holds an Honours Degree in English and a Master’s Degree in Education — communication truly lights her up. When she’s not crafting delicious words, you’ll find her walking two giant pooches, practicing her ukulele, or wrapped around a cup of tea, planning out her next Instagram reel.

To stay up to date, join the Word Candy crew on Instagram, or connect with Martha on LinkedIn.


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