ADHD life: 3 tools that help me get sh!t done

As a slightly creative human and a card-carrying ADHDer, there are a few things that I (to put it lightly) have a comparatively harder time with than other business owners.

Executive functions, aka. the management system of my brain, are affected by ADHD.


This affects things like:

  • Attention and focus

  • Organising, planning, and prioritising

  • Starting tasks and staying focused on them to completion

  • Regulating emotions

  • Self-monitoring (keeping track of what I'm doing)

Of course, lots of people find aspects of executive functioning tricky, so here are a few things that help me keep my shit together on a given day.


  • The at-a-glance visual planner has lots of great features, but I use the in-card checklists to keep track of every project that I have on the go.

Custom Spreadsheets

  • And getting the creation of these outsourced! Making spreadsheets is the kind of mind-numbing task that this brain just cannot fathom. I've got an understanding Virtual Assistant, who takes my organisational ‘foibles’ and turns them into helpful spreadsheets that help me stay on top of ALL THE THINGS.


  • Before Rocketbook, I spent a good chunk of each day flipping through various notebooks, trying to figure out where I scrawled a specific note. Rocketbook lets me write notes, scan them directly into files, and then erase with a microfibre cloth! I use a homemade time-block template to keep me on track each day, which I wipe away the following day. Less waste, less fluffing around – I love it.

ADHD or not, I hope you've got a whole slew of tools up your sleeve to make life easier, too!


Martha Barnard-Rae is a Denmark WA-based SEO copywriter. She supports businesses in Denmark, Albany, the Great Southern and beyond with all the wordy things they need to stand out in the best possible way.

Her words live on the websites, blogs, videos, emails, and socials of businesses all over Australia. An accomplished speaker, Martha helps brands, business owners, schools, and Government Departments understand what they need to do to find their voices.

Martha holds an Honours Degree in English and a Master’s Degree in Education — communication truly lights her up. When she’s not crafting delicious words, you’ll find her walking two giant pooches, practicing her ukulele, or wrapped around a cup of tea, planning out her next Instagram reel.

To stay up to date, join the Word Candy crew on Instagram, or connect with Martha on LinkedIn.


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